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Bartsch, R., Poppe, H.;
"An abstract algebraic-topological approach to the notions of a first and a second dual space III", New
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Bartsch, R.; "Vietoris hyperspaces as quotients of natural function spaces",
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Bartsch, R.;
"Allgemeine Topologie", 2. korrigierte und erweiterte Auflage, ISBN 978-3110406177, De Gruyter Verlag, 2015
Errata & Ergänzungen
Wiese, R., Kersten, H., Wiese, G., Bartsch, R.; "Energy influx measurements with an active thermal probe in plasma-technological processes", EPJ Techniques and Instrumentation 2015, 2:2,
DOI: 10.1140/epjti/s40485-015-0013-y
Bartsch, R., Poppe, H.; "An abstract algebraic-topological approach to the notions of a first and a second dual space II", IJPAM,
Vol. 84 Nr. 5, 651-667, 2013 (ISSN 1311-8080)
Bartsch, R., Poppe, H.; "Compactness in function spaces with splitting topologies",
Rostock. Math. Kolloq. 66, 69–73, 2011
Bartsch, R., Poppe, H.; "An abstract algebraic-topological approach to the notions of a first and a second dual space I", in:
Somashekhar Naimpally, Giuseppe Di Maio (eds.),
"Theory and Applications of Proximity, Nearness and Uniformity", Quaderni di Matematica, Vol 22, 2009 (ISBN 978-88-548-2857-5)
Bartsch, R.; "On a space of compactoid filters",
Proceedings of the International Conference on Theory and Applications of Mathematics and Informatics,
ICTAMI 2007, Alba Iulia Aeternitas Publishing House, Alba Iulia 2008
Bartsch, R.;
"Allgemeine Topologie I", ISBN 978-3-486-58158-4, Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag München, 2007
Rezension auf dem Matheplaneten
Errata & Ergänzungen
Bartsch, R.;
"On a nice embedding and the Ascoli theorem", New
Zeal. J. of Math. , Vol.33, No. 1, 25-39 (2004)
Bartsch, R., Poppe, H.; "A short
note on hit-and-miss hyperspaces", Appl.Gen.Topology, Vol. 4, No. 2, 281-288 (2003)
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Bartsch, René; "Compactness
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Aachen 2002
zugl. Rostock Univ. Diss.
Bartsch, R., Poppe, H.; "Compactness
for a class of hit-and-miss hyperspaces", Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo, Ser. II, Vol.51 (2002), 317-324
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Bartsch, R., Poppe, H.; "Zur
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Bartsch, R., Poppe, H.; "On relative
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Bartsch, R., Dencker, P., Poppe,
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Topology"; Dordrecht 1996 , 221-240
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R., Poppe, H.; "How to generalize the notion of a k-space", Abstr.
Prague Topological Symposium (1996) , 115-119
Bartsch, R., Pazderski, G.; "Über
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Sitz.ber. Math.-Nat.wiss. Kl., Akad. Gem.nütz. Wiss. Erfurt 7,
1-17 (1996). [ISSN 0940-2241]
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